I’m from Germany, slowly moving around the world on a bicycle and currently living in southern Asia. If you are close by, it will be great to meet you. In general, communication takes place by email, telephone and video chat.
Sharing tasks
My focus is programming and implementation of your vision at source code level.
The responsibility for design, the concept in general as well as texts, translations and other content is yours.
With all the people I work with, I am happily fulfilled and tend to be picky about new projects.
You got a good Idea? Just Tell me.
Since each project is unique and different in scope, I have no fixed prices. Prices vary by type of project and your financial situation.
My salary is around 40 € per hour or 280 € per day. If your project has a social background, I might be happy with a cup of coffee.
The best way to get a quote is to contact me outlining your requirements.
Coding workflow and key skills
I am looking forward to learn from each other, exchange skills and enhance knowledge. The following is a brief overview of my general coding methods.
- I use Git for version control, but I’m familiar with SVN as well. I set up a new repository for each new project. You’ll get access to this repository and with that the complete source-code.
- I use Docker for local development. To get you involved in the development process, I regularly update changes to an online environment.
- To automate the workflow, I write command line tools in Node.js or Bash. I’m very familiar with Grunt and used Gulp several times, but I prefer to build my own tools.
- Sass and its SCSS syntax is my favorite CSS preprocessor. In the past, I have gained experience with Less.
- I code JavaScript using latest ECMAScript standards and transpile it with Babel. I use webpack but have a way more experience with Browserify. For newer Projects my choice of bundler tends to rollup.js, Microbundle or Parcel.
- In terms of client side JavaScript Frameworks, working with React is a pleasure. I used Backbone in the past. Both are used by WordPress core. I don’t need to mention jQuery, it’s general knowledge.